In Persona Christi

Applying Diaconal Life to Liturgical Presiding


  • Andrew Stoebig Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN


Recent revisions to the ELCA ordination rites have brought a stronger sense of shared ministry between ministers of Word and Sacrament (pastors) and ministers of Word and Service (deacons). Even so, the liturgical expressions of these ministries at times lack clarity and default to the pastoral position as the norm. In reexamining the principle in persona Christi, an authentically diaconal position is sought, one which calls the worshipping assembly away from itself and outward in mission for the life of the world.

Author Biography

Andrew Stoebig, Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, MN

Chair of Worship Committee

Doctoral candidate in Musicology, University of Minnesota

Deacon, Lutheran Diaconal Association


