The Distinction of Régimes and Institutional Spheres in the Latin American Context


  • Vitor Westhelle Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago


Honored to be included in a collection of essays in homage of Kurt Hendel, I offered a sermon along with an extensive preamble in which I presented the topic of the sermon as the relationship between faith and love.[1] This is a theme, dealt within a Lutheran frame, emblematic of Hendel’s theology. Having been presented with a second opportunity to honor Kurt, I offer this essay unfolding the same topic now in a historical view that deals with Latin American case studies of how love materializes faith in the context of three Lutheran churches in the continent.

[1] “‘As Though Not’: A Wittenberg Sermon with a Preamble,†in Subject to None, Servant to All: Essays in Christian Scholarship in Honor of Kurt Karl Hendel, Peter Vethanayagamony and Kenneth Sawyer, eds. (Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press, 2016), 196–205.

Author Biography

Vitor Westhelle, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

Professor of systematic theology


