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Garfias-Toledo, Hector, Metropolitan Chicago Synod, ELCA
Gaulke, Thomas R., Gethsemane Lutheran Church, Cicero, Illinois
Gaventa, Bill, Institute on Theology and Disability, Austin, Texas
Giere, Samuel, Wartburg Theological Seminary
Goitía Padilla, Francisco Javier, ELCA Churchwide Office
Gosswein, Rev. John, Bethphage Village, Axtell, Nebraska
Grace, Roger, Rural Chaplains Association
Grainger, Daniel, Wartburg Theological Seminary
Guðmundsdóttir, Arnfríður, University of Iceland
Gunthoti, Manoj K., Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago


Hackworth, Matt, L'Arche USA
Hannan, Shauna K., Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary of California Lutheran University
Hanson, Eric I, Faith Lutheran Church Andover, Iowa
Harren, Jessica A., Open Heart Faith Gathering, Chicago, Illinois
Harries, Jim, Missionary in Kenya
Harries, Jim, Alliance for Vulnerable Mission (United States)
Harries, Jim, William Carey International University, Yala, Kenya
Hartmann, Mathias, Diakoneo KdoR, Neuendettelsau, Germany
Hays, Rebecca W. Poe, Baylor University, Waco, Texas
Helland, Allana, St. Mark's Lutheran Church San Francisco, California
Helland, Gregg M., Saint Paul Synod, ELCA
Helmer, Christine, Northwestern University
Her, Jua J., Hmong Central Lutheran Church, St. Paul, Minnesota
Herman, Stewart W., Concordia College, Moorhead, Minn.
Hoenen, Allison Werner

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