The Gospel of Mark

A Narrative Theology


  • James W. Aageson Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota


Mark’s gospel presents its theology in narrative form where the actions and words of Jesus challenge readers and hearers with a powerful vision of God’s reign. It is an expansive and inclusive theological vision of God’s kingdom that the writer of Mark brings to life. As the journey of discipleship unfolds in the narrative world of Mark, it becomes clear that the destination of this journey is the cross. Along the way, the disciples and by implication the contemporary followers of Christ learn that in this kingdom things are turned upside down: the first are last, the sinners and the dishonored are invited to the table of fellowship, and those closest to Jesus are often filled with fear rather than faith.    

Author Biography

James W. Aageson, Concordia College, Moorhead, Minnesota

Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity, Emeritus


