The Walk to Emmaus or La Caminata a Emaús from Luke 24:13-35


  • The Rev. Javier Alanís, PhD, JD St. John Lutheran Church, San Juan, Texas


This article was originally delivered as a devotional for the 2022 ELCA Churchwide Assembly. Alanís exegetes this Gospel text within the borderland experience, which he describes as a “third space” of liminal encounter. He argues that the two disciples on the road to Emmaus are like many of the immigrants who walk to the U.S.-Mexico border, seeking freedom from oppressive conditions. When the church of the border encounters and serves the immigrant through its ministry of accompaniment, the church is transformed, renewed, and converted by embodied resurrection hope.

Author Biography

The Rev. Javier Alanís, PhD, JD, St. John Lutheran Church, San Juan, Texas


Currents Focus


