Toward Reconciliation and Interfaith Dialogue Among Christians and Muslims in Indonesia


  • Pintor Marihot Sitanggang Sekolah Tinggi Theologia HKBP North Sumatera, Indonesia


This article describes the efforts of reconciliation and interfaith dialogue between Christians and Muslims in Indonesia under Pancasila as ideology with the motto Bhineka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity). The author focuses on the notion of encounter and the sense of reconciliation and interfaith dialogue between Christians and Muslims, based on the experience of living as a Christian among the largest Muslim population in the world. Interfaith dialogue remains a long journey in Indonesia, but the church needs to promote interfaith dialogue with all religions that are established in Indonesia. Reconciliation and interfaith dialogue contribute to peace and harmony in society.  

Author Biography

Pintor Marihot Sitanggang, Sekolah Tinggi Theologia HKBP North Sumatera, Indonesia

Lecturer in Systematic Theology


