James Kenneth Echols Prize for Excellence in Preaching Sermons


  • Gail Kenny Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
  • Katherine Mueller Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago


Kenny Sermon: This sermon on John 11:1-45 explores ways that, despite Christ’s making all alive, we often remain bound ourselves, or we bind our neighbors in less than abundant life. Jesus’ raising Lazarus from the dead and the bid for us to unbind him offers a model for societal renewal in way-making and peace-bringing.

Mueller Sermon: This sermon explores deep Lenten themes of preparing for change and transformation by the power of the Resurrection. In the preaching text of John 11:1-45, in contemporary music texts about change, and through the example of the mycelium community, we experience Jesus’ invitation to “Come Out” from the isolation and “stickiness” of grief to experience emergence into freedom and a liberation that breaks down barriers.

Author Biographies

Gail Kenny, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

Senior Seminarian

Katherine Mueller, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago

Senior Seminarian


