On the Way to Full Communion

Thinking about Christian Unity from Liturgy


  • Seminar on the Way North American Academy of Liturgy


This statement from an ecumenical seminar of liturgical scholars, teachers, and practitioners offers a liturgical perspective on the continuing dialogue between Lutherans and Roman Catholics. The conveners of the seminar introduce the statement for readers of Currents with reflections on connections to the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (1999), the statement’s distinctive approach, and specific opportunities for each tradition in relation to liturgical understanding and practice. The statement itself takes up the challenge of Declaration on the Way (2015) to address some of the remaining issues in relation to baptism, eucharist, and ministry on the way to full communion. The method of the seminar’s work stems from a conviction that the liturgical practice of our churches—most fundamentally the regular assembly around word and sacrament—already unites Lutherans and Catholics profoundly. Thinking from the viewpoint of liturgy contributes significantly to overcoming remaining differences. Based on a liturgical ecclesiology rooted in baptism, our churches are encouraged to take bold steps in regard to eucharistic sharing and the mutual recognition of ministries.

Author Biography

Seminar on the Way, North American Academy of Liturgy

Seminar on the Way


