Currents in Theology and Mission Currents in Theology and Mission is the theological journal of the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and Wartburg Theological Seminary, both seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ELCA. en-US <p>Copyright © 2023 Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise noted, scripture references are from the New Revised Standard Version Bible, copyright © 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA and used by permission. All rights reserved.</p> (Currents in Theology and Mission) (Kathryn Brewer) Mon, 17 Jun 2024 15:10:11 -0500 OJS 60 Sundays in Ordinary Time – July through September <p>Preaching Helps for sermon preparation are offered by parish pastors, university teachers, state legislators as well as retired pastors. Weeks included are July through September--"Ordinary Time" in the church year.</p> Barbara K. Lundblad Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Book Reviews - July 2024 <p>Reviews submitted by our readers, covering recent works of interest to those readers.</p> Craig L. Nessan, Troy M. Troftgruben Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 The Need for a Trauma-Informed Lutheran Theology <p>This article examines how Lutheran Study Bibles published by the ELCA, LCMS and WELS address the sexual assaults of Dinah and Tamar, Lot’s decision to offer his daughters to be raped, the sexual exploitation of Bathsheba, as well as other accounts of trauma. In applying a commonly accepted definition of “trauma-informed,” the author shows the need for writers and publishers of Lutheran Study Bibles to develop a deeper understanding of trauma and to write more sensitively on topics that can be triggering to readers who have experienced sexual assault. Unless seminaries develop trauma-informed theologians, clergy and Bible scholars will continue to misunderstand and wrongly apply God’s word to those who have endured and those who have inflicted trauma.</p> Victor I. Vieth Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 A Burning Child in the Midst <p>This article explores child liberation theology, interacting with R.L. Stollar’s <em>The Kingdom of Children: A Liberation Theology</em>&nbsp;and drawing from an interview with Stollar. First is a summary of child liberation theology, with its urgent call to action in a world where “children are burning.” Then the essay explores crucial aspects of enacting child liberation theology: identifying microaggressions toward children, reading the Bible with actual children, seeing Jesus as child, advancing child protection, reading Jesus’ liberation of children, educating oneself for liberation, ensuring that adults practice “guided partnership” with children, and not growing weary in advocating for children’s well-being.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Abram Kielsmeier-Jones Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Flourishing <p>This Bible Study on Isaiah 35 explores the meaning of "flourishing" in the Hebrew Bible, and the literary and socio-political contexts of the Book of Isaiah. The Babylonian Exile was a time of intense theological questioning. The author offers commentary on Isaiah 35:1-10. Isaiah 35 provides a vision to move from acclimation to present into God’s glorious future. There is hope despite our present reality, grounded in God’s being, action, and promises. The people of God move forward into an uncertain future, knowing God is with them on their journey to the future.</p> Rev. Dr. Ann L. Fritschel Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Soundscapes and Faith <p>Soundscapes are the aural environments around us. Human noise increasingly mars natural soundscapes and inhibits listening. The biblical and Reformation teaching that faith comes through hearing confronts the contemporary challenge and invites us to perceive that the gospel of Jesus Christ echoes in and with God’s good creation.</p> Gilson Waldkoenig Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Embodied, Contextual, and Rural <p>TBD</p> Heather J. Major Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Historical Background and Reflections <p>This article provides an overview of the history, colonization, class struggle, and caste system in Southern Asia and Eastern Asia, with special attention to India. The author discusses Christian missions to the Indian subcontinent and the significance of the church unification movements, leading to the formation of the Church of South India and the Church of North India. Indian Christian theologians have made remarkable efforts to understand religious plurality and social justice. The churches continue to face both challenges and opportunities.</p> Bishop BD Prasada Rao Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Feed the World <p>This article analyzes the multifaceted challenges facing many farmers across Africa. It relates the experiences of the authors in providing wholistic “Farming God’s Way” training for small scale farmers in Ethiopia. The instruction is based on an Inundo Development model farm in South Africa that serves as a resource for all those seeking training in sustainable, Christ-centered methods of agriculture.</p> Dan Wiens, Kerry Wiens Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Canadian Rural Churches <p>This article reflects on trends and challenges facing rural communities and churches in Canada. Writing from the perspective of a small prairie community in southwest Saskatchewan, the author introduces major themes: declining population, corporate farming, and migration patterns. Rural churches are adapting in creative ways to these circumstances through both local initiatives to build faith community and across the Internet.</p> Catherine Christie Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Snapshots of Rural Ministries from Oceania and South Korea <p>This article provides regional information about the state of rural churches in Oceania and South Korea. Topics include rural chaplaincy in Aotearoa New Zealand, connecting scattered communities in Saltbush, promoting democratic practices in Fiji, advocating for change in the Pacific, and revitalizing ministry for an aging population in South Korea. Building church community at a distance through digital ministry is an encouraging development.</p> Robyn McPhail, Kim Hee June Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Rural Church Organizations in the United States <p>This article summarizes the work of four organizations supporting the ministry of the churches in small town and rural communities in the United States: The Rural Church Network, Rural Social Science Education, Rural Chaplains Association, and United Methodist Rural Advocates.</p> Dave Ruesink, Roger Grace, Randy L. Wall Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500 Flourishing <p>This issue, <em>Flourishing: Rural Communities and Land in Global Perspective</em>, includes proceedings from the International Rural Churches Association quadrennial gathering in 2023 with the theme, “Flourishing: Land, People, Community.” The word&nbsp;<em>flourishing</em>&nbsp;was chosen with intention both as encouragement to seek out and celebrate rural realities that are flourishing, but also as aspirational to encourage work toward God’s intent for the flourishing of all God’s land and people. The issue includes the Bible study, keynote address, and a collection of articles that give snapshots of the state of rural and small-town contexts globally.</p> Mark Yackel-Juleen Copyright (c) 2024 Currents in Theology and Mission Mon, 17 Jun 2024 00:00:00 -0500