Archives - Page 2
The Life of Faith Initiative: A Radical Paradigm Shift for Christian Mission
Vol. 46 No. 1 (2019)The heart of Luther's theology was driven both by the doctrine of justification and by the power of the Gospel to set us free. This freedom becomes active in love through service to the neighbors God gives us, the people we encounter in our daily lives. This issue of Currents explores the ELCA's Life of Faith Initiative as a movement to activate the latent potential of the Reformation focus on the universal priesthood making it the primary focus of mission in a post-Christian age. The initiative insists on a radical paradigm shift, making the service of the baptized in daily life the primary focus.
This issue is dedicated to the legacy of the Rev. Dr. Gordon Straw + 5 January 2019
Salvation Revisited: Luke's Dynamic Vision for Restoration, Reconciliation, and Transformation
Vol. 45 No. 4 (2018)Essays on the Gospel of Luke (Year C) -
Child Abuse and the Church: Prevention, Pastoral Care, and Healing
Vol. 45 No. 3 (2018)To assist the church in recognizing and responding to child abuse, this issue of Currents includes a number of articles by leading experts in the fields of child protection and theology. -
Fresh Stewardship
Vol. 45 No. 2 (2018)The movement corresponding to what in the U.S. we call “Emerging Church” is named “Fresh Expressions” in Great Britian. This issue of the journal addresses what stewardship looks like through fresh lenses. The authors have been encouraged to follow their passions in imagining stewardship afresh for our times.
Reformations That Await Us
Vol. 45 No. 1 (2018)Having commerated the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, we focus on the legacy the world was given in that event. That legacy, for the editor of the issue, is the renewed focus of the Christian church on the centrality of the cross and the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the posture of grace and mercy that God has toward all creation. The questions that this legacy leave us with are examined by contributors who look through a variety of lenses: history, biblical studies, systematic theology, ethics, ecology, and parish ministry. The articles share the theme, however, of how the impulses of the Reformation still move the church in new and compelling directions. -
Teaching and Preaching the Gospel of Mark
Vol. 44 No. 4 (2017)In Year B the lectionary readings focus on the Gospel of Mark. The essays in this issue offer teachers and preachers thelps and suggestions for teaching and preaching these texts in today's world. -
500 Years of Reformation: A Tribute to Dr. Kurt Hendel
Vol. 44 No. 1 (2017)Articles honoring the upcoming anniversary of Luther's posting of the 95 Theses and the subsequent Lutheran Reformation as well as the life's work of Dr. Kurt Hendel. -
Vol. 43 No. 2 (2016)Essays in this issue focus on environmental justice and care of creation. -
The Vocation of Lutheranism in North America: Toward the Next 500 Years
Vol. 42 No. 4 (2015)In Description: Taking Stock of the Lutheran Witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in North America, S. D. Giere 260
The Lutheran Vocation in America: Past, Present, and Future , Sarah E. Ruble 265
Believing, Teaching, Confessing: A Vision for North American Lutherans, Robert Kolb 273
Challenges for North American Lutheranism: A View from Canada, Gordon A. Jensen 279
The ELCA at the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Maria Erling 286
2517 AD, Kip A. Tyler 293
Living Together in Sacred Time: North American Lutherans and the Liturgical Year, Amy C. Schifrin, STS 298
Faithfulness In-Between: Reflections from within Lutheran CORE, Steve Shipman 304
Book Reviews 308
Preaching Helps: Dissonant Calendars: From Ordinary Time to Happy New Year!
Barbara K. Lundblad 316
Lectionary 27/19th Sunday after Pentecost – First Sunday of Christmas
Joanne Engquist, Mark Hanson, Wilk Miller, Bradley Schmeling, Bonnie Wilcox 318
Theological Education: Abundant, Bold Connected
Vol. 41 No. 4 (2014)Includes A Festschrift for Dr. Phyllis Anderson -
"Your Life is Hidden with Christ in God" (Colossians 3:3)
Vol. 41 No. 1 (2014)A Festschrift for Duane A. Priebe