Vol. 42 No. 4 (2015): The Vocation of Lutheranism in North America: Toward the Next 500 Years

In Description: Taking Stock of the Lutheran Witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in North America, S. D. Giere 260
The Lutheran Vocation in America: Past, Present, and Future , Sarah E. Ruble 265
Believing, Teaching, Confessing: A Vision for North American Lutherans, Robert Kolb 273
Challenges for North American Lutheranism: A View from Canada, Gordon A. Jensen 279
The ELCA at the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Maria Erling 286
2517 AD, Kip A. Tyler 293
Living Together in Sacred Time: North American Lutherans and the Liturgical Year, Amy C. Schifrin, STS 298
Faithfulness In-Between: Reflections from within Lutheran CORE, Steve Shipman 304
Book Reviews 308
Preaching Helps: Dissonant Calendars: From Ordinary Time to Happy New Year!
Barbara K. Lundblad 316
Lectionary 27/19th Sunday after Pentecost – First Sunday of Christmas
Joanne Engquist, Mark Hanson, Wilk Miller, Bradley Schmeling, Bonnie Wilcox 318