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Wagner, Kimberly R., Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey
Waldkoenig, Gilson, Town and Country Church Institute
Waldkoenig, Gilson A. C. , United Lutheran Seminary, Gettysburg & Philadelphia, Pa.
Wall, Randy L. , United Methodist Rural Adocates
Wallace, Beverly, Luther Seminary
Walter, Gregory , St. Olaf College, Northfield, Minnesota
Walz, Heike, Augustana Hochschule, Neuendettelsau, Germany
Warfield-May, J. Pace, The Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California
Weber, Christian, Mission 21--Protestant Mission Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Wegener, Mark I., Minneapolis Area Synod, ELCA
Weit, John, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Wengert, Timothy, Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia
West, Gerald O., University of KwaZulu-Natal, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Westhelle, Vitor, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Westhelle, Vitor, Professor of Systematic Theology, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago
Wielzen, MA, PhD, Duncan R., Roman Catholic Diocese of Rotterdam, Netherlands
Wiens, Dan, Inundo Development Model Farm
Wiens, Kerry, Inundo Development Model Farm

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