Vol. 38 No. 4 (2011): Roots and Wings — Reflections on Worship

					View Vol. 38 No. 4 (2011): Roots and Wings — Reflections on Worship
Roots and Wings—Reflections on Worship, Kathleen Billman, 234
Wordless Words in Worship, Craig A. Satterlee, 236
What is Normative in Contemporary Lutheran Worship? Word and Sacrament as Non-negotiable*, Maxwell E. Johnson, 245
Ampersand Faith: Re-integrating Liturgy & Life through a Reappropriation of Mystical Theology and Praxis, Deborah L. Geweke, 256
Becoming Contemplative Worshipers: Attending to Our Communal Heart, Clark K. Olson-Smith, 272
Amazing Grace: John 9:24–25, Frank A. Thomas, 284
Book Reviews, 288
Preaching Helps: Preaching Stewardship from the Lectionary, Craig A. Satterlee, 294
Proper 22 – Thanksgiving Day, George C. Heider, 296

Published: 2011-08-01

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