Vol. 47 No. 1 (2020): In Thanksgiving for Gordon J. Straw: The Weaving Continues

In this issue of Currents in Theology and Mission, theological educators and practitioners from diverse disciplines and contexts have authored essays in thanksgiving for the theological voice and ministry of Prof. Gordon Jon Straw. These authors reflect on the commitments Prof. Straw held dear: his Native heritage and the challenges it poses to western theology; his call to face honestly and courageously the devastation to the earth and to indigenous, enslaved, and marginalized peoples that U.S. Christians have perpetrated and perpetuated; and his dedication to the “priesthood of all believers†and the vital role of spiritual formation in theological education. It is the collective hope of all who have joined in this labor of love that Gordon’s legacy live long and prosper among us and continue in the ministries and commitments of the students he loved.